University Of Vaasa: Ghana’s Lukumanu Iddrisu’s Thesis Named The Most Outstanding In 2022.

Ghanaian scholar and marketing expert, Lukumanu Iddrisu has been awarded with the best thesis in 2022 in his master’s programme in strategic business development.

The master’s program in Strategic Business Development (SBD) has established a tradition of recognizing students for their exceptional dedication and outstanding master’s theses on an annual basis. In this spirit, the program proudly acknowledges the remarkable achievement of M.Sc. Lukumanu Iddrisu, whose master’s thesis stood out as the best in 2022. Lukumanu’s thesis delves into the intricate practices surrounding the formulation and execution of an employer branding strategy within a multinational technology corporation.

From five shortlisted candidates, two theses received perfect scores of 5 out of 5 in each dimension of the assessment rubric. The ultimate selection between these two outstanding theses hinged on the scholarly significance exhibited by the work.

Jukka Partanen, the SBD Programme Manager and an associate professor at the School of Management underscores the importance of Lukumanu’s thesis, noting that its composition is of such high caliber that it holds the potential for further development into an academic article.

Lukumanu’s thesis is a rigorous multiple-case study encompassing three multinational technology firms and two consulting agencies.

Speaking of his journey, Lukumanu shares that he was driven by a desire to explore a topic of genuine relevance, which ultimately emerged from a pressing need within the company he was employed by at the time.

Throughout the entire process, from preliminary research to thesis composition, Lukumanu exhibited unwavering determination and dedication. His pursuit demanded tenacity and resilience, qualities that are crucial in the international business arena, as affirmed by Professor Marko Kohtamäki, Lukumanu’s thesis supervisor.

In 2022, approximately 30 students successfully completed the Master’s program in Strategic Business Development, and this number is anticipated to grow in the current year. Lukumanu’s experience in the SBD program has enriched his perspective on critically analyzing businesses. The knowledge he has amassed through his studies in strategic business development and the creation of his thesis has equipped him with the expertise required to excel in strategic roles where he can effectively leverage his skill set.

Earlier this year, Lukumanu Iddrisu landed a partnership deal with the clothing line “Jack & Jones Vaasa”. He is the first-ever Alumnus of the Year Award winner of Vaasa University and an Afrofinns Achievement Award winner in Finland.

Read Lukumanu Iddrisu’s thesis (2022): Employer Branding: Model for Employer Branding Practices in a Multinational Technology Company.

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