Mentors Foundation Ghana Partners University Of Ghana To Champion Mental Health Awareness Campaign.

Mentors Foundation Ghana — a nongovernmental organization which seeks for the wellbeing of humanity has partnered with the University of Ghana, Legon to champion Mental Health awareness campaign, prisons reform initiatives and others.

On February 24, 2024, at the Maison Francaise Auditorium, University of Ghana, this great initiative was official launched. Professor Rosina Kyeremanteng,dean of student affairs, University of Ghana, Dr. Augustina Naami, head of social work, University of Ghana, Mrs. Mary Awalena Addah, Director of Ghana Integrity Initiative were guest speakers at the event.

Many years ago, issues concerning mental health was arguably not taken seriously in many parts of the world including Ghana, research has is that the rate at which this canker keeps growing is really disheartening. In recent years, there has been efforts to create awareness and help people deal with this dangerous health related issue.

Bernard Ofori-Atta, the front-liner of this great initiative speaking to the media highlighted that the ‘galloping’ rate of the canker has undermed the growth of individuals, organizations and even the country as a whole. He called on corporate organizations and other nongovernmental organizations to come on board to amplify this great initiative.

“It’s obvious that our [mentors foundation Ghana] strength alone can’t accomplish this great mission so, we implore people from all walks of life including government institutions, private institutions, Churches and other nonprofit organizations with same or similar ideas to come on board to execute this project together” he told the media.

According to him, with the inclusion of professional health practitioners, psychologists and counselors, this mental health project will be taken to schools, churches and other key places to ensure that the objective is achieved. Starting from the university of Ghana, there will be lots of sessions for students where these professionals will engage them in conversations concerning this course.

Dean of student affairs at the university of Ghana, Professor Rosina Kyeremanteng applauded executives of Mentors foundation Ghana for such a great initiative and assured them of massive support to ensure the success of this commendable project.

Societal disapproval of people battling mental health issues has been a major factor undermining the success of these campaigns. Dr. Augustina Naami, head of social work at the University of Ghana in her speech addressed the stigmatization of people with mental health problems. In a powerful speech she delivered emphasizing the importance of mental health awareness, she conveyed this crucial message: “Mental Illness is not a death sentence.”

Highlighting the prevalence of mental health issues in Ghana, Dr. Naami revealed a staggering statistic: an estimated 3.1 million Ghanaians live with mental health conditions, indicating a significant portion of the population grappling with these challenges.

She urged families and caregivers of individuals diagnosed with mental illness to provide unwavering support, stressing the pivotal role of familial bonds in the recovery journey. She emphasized that nurturing close relationships with those afflicted can profoundly impact their healing process.

Again, Dr. Naami shed light on the intersectionality of mental illness with disability, gender, aging, and other vulnerabilities. She elucidated how these intersecting factors can complicate individuals’ experiences and hinder their access to essential resources and support systems. Drawing attention to the obstacles faced by individuals with disabilities, she noted the additional barriers — physical, informational, and communicative — that impede their access to mental health services.

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