Desmond Kwame Abrefa Officially Addresses The Nation On His Presidential Intensions

Ahead of the 2024 general elections to determine whether the New Patriotic Party can break the eight or the National Democratic Congress led by an ex-president of the country will be re-elected, a young man named Desmond Kwame Abrefa has declared his intentions of becoming the next gentleman of the land.

Yesterday at the Sika Hall in Accra, the young intelligent entrepreneur and bible preacher who believes it’s about time the youth get the opportunity to take charge of affairs delivered a speech to officially address the nation concerning his independent presidential candidature.

Below is the full speech he delivered.

Good morning, Friends of the Media, Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I officially welcome you all to “Save The Nation Movement” maiden press conference. I
thank God for ushering all of us into the year 2024 peacefully and safely. My prayer is that
2024 brings us countless moments of joy and happiness. “Save The Nation Movement” is
revealing itself to the Ghanaian populace and the World at large. The reason why we are
coming to join politics this year 2024 is that we have realized our country’s focus and where it’s heading towards is not what we expected it to be. Our water bodies, lands and other natural resources are being destroyed without having anyone fixing them up.

Our youths are also suffering because of hardships and unemployment in the country.
The youths prefer enslaving themselves in other countries rather than staying in our country to exhibit the knowledge they have acquired to help the growth of our country. The country’s ambition for choosing leaders is also on a wrong direction because those we end up choosing also come with their selfish interest to work with their party members, those around them and their family members without focusing on the growth of the country.

The future of the country lies in the hands of those who understand the progress and the
development of the country. When we take a critical look at the leaders we chose from the
beginning to the 4th republic, we are not doing well as a Nation. Any country with a focus
on her long-term vision will not rely on political manifesto, rather national policies. The
country must have a long-term goal for not less than 20 to 30 years to come. Every country must have the structures of goals and not promises of politicians for their selfish interests to win power.

When we look at the level of development in the country, it is clear that Ghana has no future. Clearly our roads, markets, health centers, educational structures are not up to standard as compared to most developing and developed countries across the globe. Our maintenance culture also shows our country has no future. When we procure something and it develops challenges no one cares about it, we dispose it off and raise huge sums of money to acquire new ones. Every country develops by training engineers to build herself, but Ghana is not doing well in this area when it comes to development of the country. We have realized that our leaders are not training the youth to take over their places because they think it should be theirs only, for their families and party members.

However, a country should not be built on such political ideology. Should I only provide for
those who vote for me into power in an election? certainly not. Because the country bel
ongs to all of us and not an individual, so who voted for me or not does not matter in Governance. Our vision is to find a leader who can move our country to the next level. Ghana as a country must be a model for the whites to also know that indeed, the Blacks also have wisdom and knowledge to run their own affairs without running to them for ideological supports.

I am such kind of a leader, and that is why “Save the Nation Movement” came to rescue the
country and to place it at where every good country aims to be. Where every good country
intends to be, that is where I will move Ghana to with Ghanaians supports when elected
as President of the Republic come December 2024. When elected, I will retrieve all Government properties that are unkept by our past leaders and I will fix all before bringing additional ones. This is my v
ision, and I am pleading to Ghanaians to come and join “Save the Nation Movement” for us to collectively move Ghana to the next level. All those who have our country at heart should come and join the movement so we can fight harder and fix our country.

Furthermore, if I am given the mandate as President, I will establish a “politically inclusive
government”. I believe that every individual, regardless of party affiliation has something
good to offer the nation, as such, creating a politically inclusive Government will ensure that all of the country’s human resources are utilized for the benefit of the nation as a whole. Since we are all Ghanaians, let us forget about this divisive partisan politics and bringeverybody together because there are brilliant people in our country.
God bless our Homeland Ghana and make our Nation great and strong; May God bless
“Save the Nation Movement”. Once again, I say Happy New Year.

(Independent Presidential Candidate

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