The Second Coming Of Mahama: Odike Says He Has Nothing To Offer.

59 year old Ghanaian businessman and politician, Akwasi Addai Odike has stated emphatically that John Dramani Mahama has nothing new to offer as he is campaigning to be voted for as the next president of the country.

The front-liner of the Union government has joined many people questioning John Dramani Mahama to boldly tell Ghanaians the new and unique remedies to offer in this time of crisis. Odike says the former president should not worry himself to contest because he has nothing to offer.

John Dramani Mahama is the National Democratic Congress’s selected candidate to battle yet to be selected candidate from the incumbent government — the New Patriotic Party. He was the Vice President and became the president after the demise of Professor John Evan Fiifi Attah Mills. He was shown the exit in the 2016 general elections. In 2022, he contested again and was defeated. He has still not given up — members of the National Democratic Congress and other floating voters still believes he can reclaim the seat.

He continued that even the huge sums of money spent on him, and his family has gone waste because the nation did not get anything in return. Odike believes that John Dramani Mahama as a former president with the experience he claims has should have been offering solutions to ensure we are better off as a country.

Kindly watch this video…………………………….

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