3Music Awards Postponed To Next Year Due To These Reasons.

Organizers of the prestigious 3Music Awards, 3Media Networks has regretfully announced the postponement of this year’s event. This decision comes in response to the need for securing adequate financial support and sponsorship, thereby upholding the unmatched standard of excellence that has defined the 3Music Awards over the years.

The 3Music Awards has garnered immense recognition as a premier celebration of musical talent, captivating audiences and enthusiasts alike. As a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence, we believe that rescheduling the event to 2024 will ensure that the Music Awards remains an unrivaled experience within the industry.

“While we acknowledge the disappointment this may bring, we want to assure all our stakeholders, industry partners, sponsors, artists and fans – that we are actively working behind the scenes to secure the necessary support. We remain dedicated to delivering an unforgettable 3Music Awards 2024,” as stated by CEO of 3Media Networks, Rashida Yasmine Abdulai.

We value the trust and confidence placed in the 3Music Awards, and as such, we are resolute in our pursuit of maintaining the highest standards of production, setting the stage for a triumphant return next year. Throughout this period, we will keep all stakeholders updated on our progress and share any developments as they unfold.

The 3Media Networks team extends heartfelt gratitude for the understanding, patience, and
continued support shown during this time. Together, we will overcome this temporary setback and emerge stronger, delivering an extraordinary 3Music Awards experience that celebrates the very best of our industry.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Emmanuel Sarpong or Vida Adutwumwaa Boateng
Phone: +233(0)50 086 5313|+233(0)24 752 5910
Email: shout@3music.tv
Website: www.3music.tv

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