In a heartwarming display of integrity, two students from Swedru Senior High School in Ghana’s Central Region have been rewarded for their honesty after returning a lost purse containing GHS200 and some change.
The students’ exemplary actions have earned them praise from their peers, teachers, and the school administration.
The headmistress of the school, Mrs. Golda Esi Andam, presented the students with a reward of GHS20 as a token of appreciation for their integrity.
Mrs. Andam commended the students’ behavior, describing it as a model of honesty for others to follow.
In a viral video, Mrs. Andam expressed her pride in the students, stating that their actions have made the school proud. She encouraged every student to emulate this virtue, emphasizing that honesty always pays.
The students’ decision to return the money has been widely praised by their peers, with many expressing admiration for their integrity.
The incident has served as a powerful reminder of the importance of honesty and responsibility in daily life.
Mrs. Andam urged the school community to prioritize integrity and responsibility, emphasizing that these values are essential for building a strong and respectable character.
The headmistress’s words of encouragement have resonated with the students, who are inspired to emulate the exemplary behavior of their peers.
The reward presented to the students serves as a motivation for others to follow in their footsteps. It demonstrates that honesty and integrity are valued and recognized, and that these traits can have a positive impact on individuals and communities.
As the students of Swedru Senior High School continue to strive for excellence, they are reminded that honesty and integrity are essential components of success.
The actions of these two students have set a high standard for their peers, and their story serves as a powerful reminder that honesty always pays.