John Kofi Annan Urges African Women To Enter Technology Industry.

John Kofi Annan, a technology expert and the founder of an innovative digital entrepreneurship academy, has implored African women to enter the technology industry because it offers more opportunities for them to achieve greatness.

“Digital literacy has the ability to bridge the gender gap and open up unparalleled opportunities for African women, By embracing the digital space, women can take charge of their economic destinies and become drivers of change within their communities,” he said

Speaking at this year’s Visionary African Women Summit organized by Lilian Ike Foundation, the digital marketing consultant emphasized that, another great way to empower women is to encourage them to venture into businesses which will help them become financially stable.

He said some women in other parts of the world are doing so well in the tech industry, accumulating huge sums of income for themselves and so, African women should be encouraged to also go into tech instead of focusing the already choked sectors.

Annan offered helpful advice on how women may navigate the digital world based on his own experiences as a successful techpreneur and advocate for youth and women empowerment. He said the value of initiatives like scholarship programs, mentorship programs, training programs, and digital literacy to give women the information and skills they need to succeed in the digital age.

The global tech industry is arguably dominated by men, and he believes that the narrative must change. He believes that the narrative can only be changed if women are encouraged and given the opportunity to learn, practice, and profit from it.

There are specific days and events elsewhere in the world to celebrate and encourage women to participate more in technology, which has resulted in the improvement of many lives.

Asare-Bediako Addo

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